I do believe winter is upon us and Christmas Day is fast approaching~ am I ready~ of course not~I was going to start my shopping today but Ben is home sick~ so looks like tomorrow will be the day! I know what I'm buying and where it is, so it will not be that bad~
We are changing our holiday traditions this year~ we have spent more time together as a family since Thanksgiving~ decorating, baking and just having fun as a family~ isn't this the true mean after all? Our new home is right next door to my sister-in law's house~ and she is a collector~ Rob calls it "hoarding" but we prefer to call it "collecting"... She has brought over several old decorations not even out of their package~ we have spent many evenings sitting at the table having coffee,after she arrives with her bags that she has had stashed for years.. watching Ben find the "perfect" spot for each and every decoration!
Ben's Christmas list was short this year~ He's getting out of the toy stage.. he's at that in between stage~ Over the weekend,he had a couple of friend's over and they were eating gingerbread cookies, drinking hot cocoa, and watching a Christmas movie in the living room~ I asked them what they all wanted for Christmas~ expecting these extravagant presents to be their wishes~ one said boots, one said a winter coat, and Ben said new Levi's cause he is growing and a new tie for his away games! My heart melted~ they all said simple things that are neccesities~ it was then that I realized since we moved in October he no longer asks for or feels like if he doesn't have something , he doesn't fit in! This is truly the best present Rob & I could of ever asked for~ he has learned that materials things are not what is important~
We are truly enjoying the holidays in our new home~ some traditons will remain the same~ Ribbon Candy and Peach blossoms will adorn our table on Christmas Eve, the tree in the kitchen has red, white and blue lights to honor the service men serving our country( we started this when my son-in-law was deployed over the holidays and will continue even though he is blessed for him to be home with his family this year), and Frosty , our hot cocoa dispenser,will be filled every evening until the New Year for anyone who may stop over~
I truly hope you and yours have a Happy Holiday season,
Until next time,